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Living Life like my cat “Doo”
Living Life like my cat “Doo”
Whilst having some time to think and reflect over the last 10 days or so I thought what can I learn about life from my cat “Doo”.
So here goes…….. and I know that there will probably be spelling and grammar issues so if that is something that may annoy you, don’t read it! I know its not my strongest talent. I recognise that and me and Doo don’t care right now… Life is about doing your best and this is my attempt at trying to be a bit more creative.. I do hope you enjoy.. “What do you mean there is a shortage of dreamies?” See in Doo’s world when things go into shortage, he doesn’t know the difference. I can pull all of the pockets out of the box of Whiskas biscuits mix and he doesn’t know. He doesn’t moan or even care. See in Doo’s world a treat is a treat! He appreciates he is getting something different to his normal meals.. So what can we learn from this – We don’t need to panic buy, I am sure that our cupboards have plenty of food that probably may end up in the bin as it will go out date before we use it.. Use what you have first and then go shopping for what you need.. And does it matter if the shelves that you would normally buy from are empty, no! Be more creative and choose something else. “Digital, What’s that? Who’s Boris anyway? Oh you mean fish TV!” So Doo is happy with whatever is happening around him in the house and in his world rather than relying on the digital world to stimulate him. He does like a bit of fish TV but in reality he would probably prefer a fish tank, but again he is happy with anything So what can we learn from this – I think sometimes we heavily rely on outside influences to keep us happy and what we need to do more is to learn to stimulate ourselves from within, so that when we have times of isolation, we can still look within for stimulation and motivation. This will then help us to remain calm and not go into panic mode “Sleep, 8 hours since when? Its 20 hours in my world!” Doo likes to sleep on average 16 to 20 hours a day, the rest of the time consists of eating, pooping, weeing, cleaning, wanting a cuddle or popping his head out the door to see what’s happening. See the thing is it’s not about us sleeping like a cat but recognising we need to slow down and rest. Sleep is one of the most important activities we do for survival. When we have time to slow down and rest this in itself elevates a sense of calm and relaxation. At this time it is so important to remain calm.. By remaining calm we are able to be more focused and will make more effective decisions. “There is no time to be a fussy eater here!” Every morning and evening I sit patiently waiting for my meal to arrive, not knowing what it might be. I meow “Thankyou” as the dish arrives and I happily eat away. I don’t complain if it’s fish or meat, with Jelly or gravy or has added vegetables. I am just happy I got to eat. I think we do sometimes become very comfortable with only limited food choices and this can put pressure on us when there’s a shortage of supply. So start eating more spontaneously. What can we learn from this? I think this is a case of breaking the routine and experimenting with different foods and learning to accept that there is food out there, just maybe not what you have always been used to.. and maybe it is time to learn more about food and cooking. “Keep your car on the drive, only allowed to walk” Cars, I don’t like cars anyway. The last time I was taken for a ride in the car. I arrived in a strange place, I was taken out of my box, this stranger poked and prodded me, he then stuck something up my bum and then stuck a sharp thing in my neck. The next thing I remember was I woke up with “no balls”. So best to stay at home anyway. What can we learn from this one – During this time we are asked to stay safe at home, only use the car to pop to the shops for essentials, or go to work, or drop off medical supplies. Utilise this time to use up your once a day exercise to go for a walk, run or cycle and keep the car parked up. Think how much money you would save and how beneficial this is for the planet. Another thing is how much time did you use to spend commuting and you don’t need to now.. What has that made possible for you, with that time back? “When will I get my claws clipped, or my fur groomed!” Doo wakes up, does a big stretch and thinks right my claws are a bit long and scratchy so he pops outside and finds the fence post and scratches away, he lets the wind blow through his fur and then pops back inside, where he flops down on the rug and starts cleaning himself. If he finds a knotted bit of fur, he just pulls it out. He takes great pride in his cleanliness but never bothers to look in the mirror. See he is happy with how he looks and just carries on with life. As his fur over the years starts to change from tabby to grey, he doesn’t look himself and think he looks worse or older. He’s still really happy with himself. I think sometimes we do worry too much about what other people may think if we have a few grey hairs, or our nails are not polished, or our eyebrows are not the best of shape. There is a lot to learn here.. Start focusing on what you want yourself to look like not what you think or expect others would want you looking like.. This isn’t about letting yourself go, but be YOU! be the real you.. I think sometimes we can put far too much pressure on ourselves in how we look.. Some people will say how you look is how you feel, but I can prove this is not true. I can spend hours making myself look at my best, look in the mirror and still be thinking.. I don’t feel it today.. It can help a little bit but if you feel more comfortable in your lounge pants right now, do it! “I only bite, if your scare or annoy me. Really!” I love company, I love most people being around but I am not a plaything. Sometimes enough is enough. You don’t have to constantly stroke me, or pick me up. Sometimes all I want is some space or some sleep. I tend to come to you if I want more attention. If I do ever but my paw out and tap you or try to bite you, you may have just stepped the line in Doo’s world. So think about this, when have you kept on, stepped the line! Sometimes it’s better to be silent, breathe and reflect. We may all be a bit more sensitive to our feelings and emotions right now, and that is Ok.. Recognising this is a great first step. Then make sure you give yourself a break, take a step back and reflect. “There’s no milk, give me water any day!” When I was born I lived on my mothers milk but she quickly converted me to only drink water, and to be honest any water will do, I actually quite like drinking the water from the bird bath.. Water is good. Now what can we learn from this – well at a time of added pressure and potential stress sometimes we may feel like reaching for the alcohol, but right now it’s even more important to drink plenty of water. Your body needs it just for survival, you will become dehydrated even more quickly.. Alcohol is ok in small doses, and I know some people use it to numb or suppress the pain. Oh “doo” has something to add – What’s alcohol anyway and why on earth would you want to drink something that makes you talk so much louder, start climbing on the tables and singing like someone’s pinching your ass hard.. See I was taught the body needs water to keep our organs fit and healthy, so it’s only water for me!” So why’s this important you may ask – Alcohol has its place but not to help with pain or suffering. It is really important at a time like this to process our thoughts and feelings and not block them. “The shops are closed, only buy essentials, who needs that extra stuff anyway” When I arrived in my new home, I had so many things around like cat beds, radiator beds, big climbing scratching posts, toys and other stuff. I think I probably annoyed my cat mum because I didn’t need any of this, give me your sofa, your cushions, your bed or a fluffy rug any day. Toys who needs them, when I can play with your slippers that have pom poms on, or your stitching coming undone on your PJ bottoms.. I love this more.. And I so love it when there’s an empty box or bag.. I like hiding and pouncing out of it. See in my world stuff doesn’t add any value to my life as a cat. A lap or a cuddle means much more, a safe place to call home. food in my dish, water to drink and some entertainment.. That’s it.. simple really. So what can we learn here, so much – Don’t waste your time, money and energy or buying stuff, just to maybe impress Mrs Jones next door, spend your time and money on memories or essentials in life that you do need. All I need right now in light of this situation is to know I am safe and well, and all those that I love and care for are too.. Now I know it is good to have goals in life, I have lots.. But do you ever think about the reason for those goals, Why do YOU really want this in YOUR life… I think when we really focus on the reason behind the goal we make better decisions in life. If when you buy that £100,000 car, or £500,000 house does it make you feel really, really happy for YOU! I know that it is always nice to have this stuff, but does it really make you happy! Remember you can’t take this stuff with you when you go, but you can take your memories.. Precious memories. “Control, Who’s controlling me? no chance!” In Doo’s world he is in total control of his thoughts, feelings, emotions and choices.. he doesn’t allow other people to control him.. He goes about his day doing exactly what he wants, when he wants and no one can really stop him. Now this one is huge to talk about, but I will keep it brief – Control what you can in your life right now, things out of your control will steal your energy and time and will change your lens of the world to be stopping or blocking you.. When you choose to work on the things within your control that lens becomes more proactive rather than reactive and so therefore you feel more positive and motivated.. Let the people that have the control deal with the other stuff right now.. What one thing can you do today that your future self will thank you for? I could talk about this so much more – but I will keep things simple! I think that’s all for now… Watching and observing my cats behaviour and attitude to life really does give you food for thought right now.. Now I don’t expect anyone to start actually being a cat, eating cat food, pooping in the garden, or jumping on people’s laps but I do hope that maybe you can take away one thing from this that will help you over the next few weeks.. I would like to give a special thanks to my cat “Doo”, his real name is Scrappy Doo.. He gives full consent for me to share his view on the world and his photos.. Please stay safe and well everyone and remember I am here if you want a chat, message! Do not suffer in silence.. Love and best wishes from Doo and I xx