Living Life like my cat "Doo" Whilst having some time to think and reflect over…
Is it time to start sowing the seeds in your life?
Is it time to start sowing the seeds in your life
Is it time to start sowing the seeds in your life?
Throughout our life so far we have been planting seeds in order to be where we are at in our life so far.. Have you been planting the right ones… Life is about having direction, focus and clarity around some of the key things in life such as our Health, Career, Relationships, Home, Money, Adventure, Wellbeing, Family and friends… Like a tree it needs nurturing in order to grow, so do you. In order for the tree to grow it needs good soil conditions, water, space and sunlight (and maybe some other things). It starts as a seed, grows into a sapling then into a tree, and as the years pass by it goes through transformation every day of every year, growing taller and stronger… Let’s talk about the tree – What do you want in life?, what do you want to achieve?, what do you want to change?. This could be – Start my own business, sell out on a product, make new meaningful relationships, be happy with life, travel and explore more, become an expert, be confident with who you are… or something else… If you focus on how the tree started life as a seed, this is about taking those first steps.. Remember you don’t need to see the whole staircase to take the first step… By taking that first step you are closer to achieving your goal.. You are making it happen and remember if it doesn’t work out, you are one step closer to becoming an expert as an expert is someone who has made the wrong decisions, or things didn’t go to plan.. and if it goes well you are one step closer to success.. So my question to you – If you are not planting/sowing the seeds, how can the tree ever grow? How can you expect to get what you really want in life, how can you expect things to change from how they are right now?.. If you don’t start focusing on what you want in life nothing will change.. My next question to you is What seeds do you need to start planting/sowing that would make all the difference in your life? The sooner you plant the seeds the sooner they can grow.. with a little help a long the way they will flourish into some of the most amazing trees.. What does your future self look like in 2021, 2025 and 2030? Depending on the seeds you sow today will be the outcome of the above… What is stopping you from being the best tree in the world? Stop Procrastinating and start winning in life…